Felix Lim Jr @tarlison
#bd_gunpla GATX-88S Gaia STELLAR (Synchronized Tactical Enhance Life Like Autonomous Recon) Unmanned mobile suite design to operate in uninhibited and uninhabitable places without risking human life. Project was cancelled after the second prototype, because was too emotional. pic.twitter.com/rvSCQ6uxNm
2018-05-30 05:13:42 +0000
Faded Eclipse @FadedEclipseYT
Model Number: GAT-X105B P.S. (IC) Official Name: Phase-Shift Build Strike Gundam Base: Build Strike Gundam Note: The custom is incomplete and will be completed, there will be more images and will be resubmitted at a later date. #bd_gunpla @CyberEntry @IsaacRada4 @HobbySite pic.twitter.com/1vObloGVn0
2018-05-27 20:08:37 +0000